The main objective of the project “BeePro: Rational use of plant protection products and fertilizers in terms of the impact on bees in the ecosystem” is to update and improve knowledge and awareness of VET students, VET organisations, farmers and people working in the farm production area in the field of organic beekeeping and proper usage of the chemical plant protection products and fertilisers, by means of the creation of Curriculum and Interactive training content, focused on organic beekeeping and development of interactive training materials and tools on organic apiculture and rational use of plant protection products.
There is a lack of comprehensive information and coherent educational materials on organic beekeeping in agricultural vocational education, with a particular focus on the impact of the use of plant protection products and fertilizers on bees and other pollinators. In addition, these topics are constantly evolving and there is a need to update and improve the training of professionals to help agriculture and beekeeping to adopt increasingly efficient and sustainable production methods and to cooperate with each other.
The project provides high quality training content on the rational use of plant protection products and fertilizers in terms of the impact on bees in the ecosystem. The training content was developed in innovative way using new technologies.
Easy learning is particularly important in the area of the project topic as we target our project to broader group of beneficiaries, such as people and teachers from distant rural areas. As a result, we have the e-learning educational content available both on-line and off-line for use on PC or mobile phones or tablets, as well as printed and electronic handbooks.
Main Objectives
Target groups
Main Project Results